Bridget Smidgen

This isn't my first go round with Booklikes. Just last time, I was wanting to do things differently and couldn't get things right, so, I decided I would come back after the first of the year. So, here I am! Some things have changed, some, well, have not. Still love Young adult but I have branched out..a little. Still a mom. Still an introvert. Still prefer my sons, tv, books, and animals over most humans. :-P

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (H.P. #7) by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows  - J.K. Rowling

For my thoughts on the book, click above link to blogspot.

Past Books Read...

I will not be posting books that I read from last year on. At least, I have no plans to right now. If I change my mind, well, I guess I have that right huh?


I will post the one book I read this year so far (bit of a slump still). If I change my mind about posting last years books, I guess we will find out together! :-) 


Two books I am on now: Alex, Approximately & Harry Potter & The Cursed Child. They are both enjoyable books in their own way. Enjoying Alex, Approximately a bit more right now though.